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Garden Gifts for Mothers Day 2024

1. Hoselink Hori Hori Knife

Great for removing plants at the end of their production and leaving roots intact which helps maintain the soil food web so many of us work so hard to encourage. Digs planting holes with ease, works well to divide plants like hostas and fun color

If you want to try and have just one tool in the garden that can do almost everything, a Hori Hori knife is the ticket. Not sure why I waited so many years to get one, but now that I have one, I find it's the only tool I carry around the garden with me.

The Hori Hori from Hoselink has measurements on the blade making it convenient for figuring out planting depths and spacing. One side of the blade is serrated and I use it to cut the plants at their base at the soil line when removing them from the garden. This allows me to leave the roots in the soil and not disturb the soil food web.

I also use the hori hori to dig holes for planting seedlings, dividing plants like hostas and just look like a badass in the garden. If you have only one garden tool, this one can do almost everything.

2. The Peony Cutting Garden box by Natchez Glen

Have you gone on an IG live garden walk with Steve? If not, you are missing out on some serious garden beauty and knowledge. Check out @natchezglenhouse to follow along as Steve takes you through his stunning peony and daffodil beds and discusses interplanting with peonies and valuable growing information.

The peony cutting garden box comes with 8 hand picked, bare-root peony varieties to help you or the gardener in your life create a beautiful peony garden. These garden boxes ship in the fall as that is the ideal time to plant peonies.

With the cutting garden you are able to give yourself or your loved one the gift of future garden beauty. If the cutting garden box sells out, Steve also sells individual peonies and smaller box sets.

3. Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis

For anyone that wants to understand on a scientific level how soil impacts the plants we work so hard to grow, this book is hands down the place to start. Teaming with Microbes combines science with easy to digest writing and analogies. You will never look at your soil the same.

Teaming with Microbes covers all the science and practicality of the soil food web, compost, lawns, vegetable gardens, and more. It does get a bit geeky at times, but I find myself referencing this book all the time.

4. The Compost Coach by Kate Flood

Known as @compostable.kate on IG, Kate's book about all things compost will encourage even the most trepidatious future composter to give one of the many forms of composting she outlines a try.

The Compost Coach is also fantastic for the seasoned composter as it gives additional insight and ideas for upping your compost game. I particularly love her sections on vermicomposting (worm composting) and bokashi.

The Compost Coach is an easy read with beautiful pictures and step by step directions.

5. Duluth Gardening Heirloom Overalls

My gardening uniform consists of one of my two pairs of Duluth Women's Heirloom Gardening Bib Overalls.  These overalls are lightweight and stretchy which makes even the most acrobatic of gardening chores comfortable. I live in the South, and the material is not heavy and hot in which to work during the summer. In addition to being durable and comfortable, these overalls have 12 pockets. I think I had these overalls for 2 months before I discovered them all.

The overalls come in three different inseam lengths, an assortment of solid colors and fun patterns. I have the solid green and the mushroom print. I'm 5'10" and 160 pounds. I wear the medium with the 33" inseam.

6. The Nano soil blocker series by Swift Blocker

Whether you are new to seed starting or several years in, a nano swift blocker is revolutionary in the seed starting scene. You get all the benefits of soil blocking such as air pruning, less transplant shock, fewer seed staring supplies to wash and less plastic, in addition to added benefits that traditional soil blockers don’t have.

The swift blocker is ergonomically designed to avoid the pain that many with carpel tunnel or arthritis experience when using a traditional soil blocker. With the Swift Blocker you can also seed your soil blocks before pushing them out which provides better seed to soil contact and time savings.

The small footprint of the Nanos allows you to use a variety of items for trays. 1020s, cafeteria trays, windowsill trays, up-cycled food containers, sandwich tupperware, etc. You don’t need to buy specific trays for these soil blockers.

The Nano 9 presses out nine 1.5’ blocks all at once, and is especially great for flower seeds.

The Nano 25 presses out twenty-five .9” blocks all at once, and works for all seeds. (I love using it for tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc.)

The Nanos are $79 each and are less than half the cost of a commercial Swift Blocker.

**Some of the links provided in this post contain affiliate links and I receive a small percentage from the brand company. This does not raise the cost for you, it is paid fully by the brand. These small earnings help fund my garden endeavors and make it worth spending the time to put together posts like these. All opinions expressed are my own.

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