Pesto is one of my favorite things to make from the basil in my garden, however, with basil growing just a few months out of the year I wanted something I could make almost year round. Kale Pesto filled my basil pesto void during the months that the garden was not producing basil. The wonderful bonus is that Kale Pesto is super healthy and doesn't turn brown like basil pesto. I think I like Kale Pesto better than Basil, and it has the added benefit of being more nutritious.
2.5 cups of kale stems removed and rough chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 t. lemon juice
1/2 t. grated lemon zest
1/4 cup freshly grated parmesan
1/2 t. kosher salt
1/4 cup pine nuts or walnuts
Add the garlic, nuts, lemon zest and kale to the bowl of a food process and pulse several times. Scrape down the sides with a spatula and then with the processor running add the oil and lemon juice. Scrape down the sides as needed. Finally, add the salt and parmesan and process until fully combined.

Kale pesto will store in the fridge for a week in a tight fitting container. It will stay vibrant green instead of turning brown like basil pesto. You can also spoon kale pesto into an ice cube tray, freeze and then store the cubes in a ziploc bag in the freezer for easy single servings.
Our family loves pesto on pasta and dipping toasted bread in it. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as we do!